Surveying & Topography

Accuracy you can count on!

Using Aerial Drone Photogrammetry or Drone LiDAR, Volo Pervidi LLC can collect and generate topographic data to meet your project design and analysis requirements. All of our generated point clouds are tested to meet ASPRS accuracy guidelines to ensure our data meets the specified accuracy requirements.

A few of our success stories:

I-25 & Rio Bravo Roadway Survey

Highlights FAA and KABQ Coordination.

In order to redesign the Rio Bravo and I-25 interchange a detailed survey of existing structures and topography would be needed. Volo Pervidi was tasked with collecting over a mile long survey of I-25 at this location. This required flying a little over ½ a mile from one of Albuquerque’s busiest runways. With FAA permission we were able to coordinate a closure of air traffic on this runway.

Pena Blanca

Highlights: Large Sites 1500 acres

Our advanced drone surveying systems allow us to complete larger jobs that most drone surveying firms would not be able to handle. One such area was a 1500 acre property that needed to be surveyed to generate 1’ contours. We completed all of the required flight in a single day to produce the necessary deliverables. With our newer system Volo Pervidi LLC can confidently tackle 3000+ acres a day of data capture. A 3D flythrough of the model is seen here.

Gold King Mine, Silverton CO.

Highlights: Remote location, disaster response, integrated data.

2015 Gold King Mine waste water spill was an environmental disaster that began at the Gold King Mine near Silverton, Colorado, when Contractors accidentally destroyed the plug holding water trapped inside the mine, which caused an overflow of the pond, spilling three million gallons of mine waste water and tailings. Due to the incredibly steep terrain, constant changing weather, and remote location both on the ground and manned aerial surveys presented major risks.

Volo Pervidi LLC responded to map the immediate area and portal where the spill occurred. Using preloaded terrain information we were able to program a series of flights that allowed us to maintain a constant Ground Sampling Distance in order to deliver the topo information required to redesign the mine portal and prevent future leaks. We also provided high definition video and photography of the portal at no additional charge for added analysis of stability at the portal.

A LiDAR scan of the portal was also provided so that a new entrance and portal could be safely designed. Both the aerial photogrammetry and LiDAR point clouds were merged into one integrated data set.

Do you want to work with us?

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